Restoring Wetlands and Streams

29th June 2018

Plantings at Tirohanga Camp [Photo: Andrew Shepherd]

We’re delighted that the Presbyterian Synod of Otago and Southland has approved a grant to support the A Rocha project at Tirohanga Camp, near Dunedin.

A Rocha in Dunedin has partnered with Tirohanga Camp for many years in native replanting and habitat restoration of a stream at this well-used camp. The new grant will provide funds for further plantings at the campsite and equip the project with a NIWA Stream Health Monitoring and Assessment Kit to enable the group to participate in stream monitoring and citizen science. The funding will also enable A Rocha to work with Tirohanga Camp to produce educational material, displays and outdoor signage on native birds/bush/stream life and broader themes of creation care and environmental sustainability – enriching and benefiting the thousands each year who stay at Tirohanga.

Wellington A Rocha group at Battle Hill Farm Forest Park [Photo: Pene Burton-Bell]

Meanwhile, with the onset of winter, A Rocha is involved in a range of planting projects around the country. A Rocha in Wellington recently participated in a planting day at Swampy Gully at Battle Hill Farm Forest Park. The Greater Wellington Regional Council is seeking to improve the natural habitat in the Battle Hill Regional Park by replanting the unromantically named Swampy Gully. A Rocha in Wellington, already involved in a wetland restoration project at Waiu, headed out to Battle Hill to be involved in planting out 600 plants (mainly Carex secta). These seedlings will grow and shade out the introduced grasses, and over time other wetland-loving trees such as kahikatea and other podocarp and emergent forest trees will be planted too. So, plenty of work for the years to come!

Nathan Wickens, the Greater Wellington Park Ranger was warm in his praise: “Please let all the group know that I was well impressed by them…. it will be nice to see these wetlands get some love over the coming years… really appreciated.”

A Rocha is involved in a range of practical conservation projects around the country. Keen to get involved? You can check out our local group events on our Facebook page or contact us at [email protected] for more information.

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